If you have the wrist for it and you don't mind playing through one of the oldest game genres ever, this is for you.

User Rating: 4 | SoulCalibur Legends WII
I thought that video game companies had learned their lessons back int eh N64 and PS1 days when they retooled Final Fight, Double Dragon, and TMNT that beat em ups were so 16 bit era. Well apparently Namco hasn't recieved that memo because here comes another hack and slash your way. This time Wii style.

There have been plenty of games that have shown that the Wii mote can be used as a sword. Zelda is the one game that has done it well and your wrist doesn't feel that it needs surgery afterward. Soulcalibur legends doesn't do at all what Zelda did for slashing with a sword and the Wii mote. Basically take Double Dragon, make it 3D and add Soulcalibur characters rather then Jimmy and Billy and there you go. You have Soulcalibur legends. If you still don't get the game formula here it is. You run down a hallway. You encounter skeleton after skeleton (in fact I haven't fought this many skeletons since Castlevania). After you beat said skeletons you go down a hall way and repeat. You will have access to a couple of the Soulcalibur characters, but they all play the same so there really isn't that much in the way of replay. Rather then have cut scenes that are interesting, most of them are anime styled text scenes that are really poorly written. So you aren't really getting that much story after defeating a level. Then after defeating the level, you have to go back and play through it again (including the same enemies and bosses) in order to continue through the game.

Another issue is the graphics. The characters are ok, but they aren't nearly as nice as the prior Soul games. The characters aren't very detailed. The backgrounds are just recycled through out each level. You may think you are in a castle, but you're really in the prior level that you just played. There are some puzzles, but only the simplest of minds wouldn't figure them out. The music is just down right cheesy. Just mute your TV and play some music in the back ground. Also the voice acting is really bad. Plus they pretty much say the same thing all the time, even though it's supposed to be another conversation.

The controls are poor. As most games with the Wii, you can flail your arms about and still pull off moves. It's hard to complete combos and even harder to pull off your "special attacks". All of the characters moves are the same. Horizontal, vertical, uppercut, and that's about it. The speed can vary between characters, but that's about it.

There aren't too many things that will make you actually want to complete the game. Even the bonuses at the end of the game will leave saying "why did I play through all of this crap?". This game is only for the newest of gamers. Hard core fans will find nothing to really want to complete here. Even Soulcalibur fans will not enjoy this title that much. The story doesn't add much to the mythos and isn't all that deep. In fact the game would have been a good tack on to a Soulcalibur fighter much like the past MK games.