...It has Lloyd, and remix of favorite ToS soundtracks, thats all I expected and thats what I got...

User Rating: 6 | SoulCalibur Legends WII
Well what can I say, all I wanted from this was the 'tales aspect' so I'm reviewing from an extremely bias point of veiw, but... sticks and stones. I got what I wanted, which was some genuine fleshed out Soul caliber story line, Mister Irving and some serious button mashing, wii 'troller slashin fun.

The added fighting mode is a nice bonus and I've yet to check out all the extra stuff I missed on my rush to get Lloyd.

I highly recommend to namco veterens.

Everyone else...give it a shot, who knows, you may be interested enough to look up the previous soul calibers and tales games.

This title could definately use a serious overhaul and I reckon it could be a hell of a lot of fun, they simply just got lazy, and thats a real shame when that happens.