Worst in the Series, Literally!

User Rating: 2 | SoulCalibur Legends WII
You do not want to even rent this game, it's that bad!

The good. 4 player multiplayer. The artwork of the talking scenes( Like the ones in Fire Emblem) actually look great, anime styled. Animations aren't that bad.

The Bad. The graphics are very bad! extremely last-gen. The action is basically waving the wii-mote around until your wrist hurts. Other attacks are very useless! The multiplayer is abysmal! Competition is just whoever has the faster character, while waving around the wiimote. Lylod or however you spell his name is uber cheap. Gets extremely boring in 5 minutes! Only sven 7 characters. plain boring. Only played the game for 27 minutes total because of how boring it was.

This game was just a total waste of time and wasnt even worth trying with my gamepas at blockbuster. I have to ay that that sulcaliber is aincredible series, it's just that this game i not the way to have fun with the series. Play the fighting insallments instead of this excuse for a game.
Note: I do not no how hard the game gets farther inthe game, I only got to the 3rd mission.