Great game but where are the other vampires???

User Rating: 7.1 | Soul Reaver 2 PC
Soul Reaver 1 was good on Dreamcast. Soul Reaver 2 is great but there are no vampires to kill. In this game you are still Raziel the soul eating pissed off angel of death hunting down Kain your sire. You go around Nosgoth in different time periods studying its history and hunting Kain. You come across some problems thought hunters are everywhere and try to kill you on sight. But the are all human. In the future Nosgoth demons rule the land and demon hunter kill them (some times) these guys are a pain to kill they can follow you to the Spectral realm and block everything you throw at them. The demon hunters are a lot like the vamp hunter but are stronger. You meet all kinds of ancient vampires in the games like Janos Aldron and Vorador but that's it! Which is somewhat dissapointing.

Not for vampire game fans. You will be dissapointed!!!!!!!!!!