User Rating: 6.5 | Soul Reaver 2 PS2
Soul reaver isn’t quite what I expected in an action adventure game. Actualy, there isn’t much here at all. While the story might have been alittle bit dramatic at first, you find yourself with very little to do. It could take hours for you to accomplish much of anything at all in the game. You get the reaver. Some kind of spiritual weapon. I don’t quite get what the reaver IS and does. It just sort of materializes out of your arm and as a primary weapon that also helps you unlock doors. Actualy, there really isn’t a whole lot of good it does. You see, when you loose life, you can suck in the souls of your victims Kirby style. But unlike the cuteness that is kirby, the vampire-like nature of your character eats his energy so you gain your life back. BUT, if you kill somebody with the reaver, their energy is simply used to make your reaver stronger. But you don’t get a life reboost in the process. NOW, asside from opening locks, tell me what good is there in this thing? They used the reaver as an excuse to impliment puzzles. You can’t unlock certain doors unless you have the dark reaver is an example of this. The only way you can obtain the dark reaver is if you find a sundial that has the dark reaver energy spewing out of it. These can be annoying to find. Nobody has seemed to use a key in this place. Probably because nobody has pockets in the game either. Yup, you guessed it. There is no inventory stash at all here. You carry any items you take with you in both hands and use them not soon after, so the point of even having special items in the game seems well.. pointless. You wind up doing a lot of wandering around and backtracking for no reason except for.. you guessed it… opening another locked door. Wooptiedoo. Oh yeah, and the monsters refresh. That’s a refreshing thought. You kill the same thing over and over for the soul perpose of giving your reaver something to do. Yaaayyyy. With such a cool premise for a character, hes just another depressed vampire out on a mission. If they were gonna have him suck in the souls of his victems at least do it cool and give him powers. This character is just… well he seems like nothing. I’m bored with him. It’s time to move on to something else. Let the legacy die….