An underrated game that deserves more than it has

User Rating: 7.5 | Sonic Unleashed X360
Now I know this game has had a very mixed reaction sadly the negatives are all on the werehog but I feel that most people havent really given him ago, I know there long and sometimes frustrating but I find that it has a lot to offer espeacially the puzzle solving etc it almost brought me back to my lego star wars days where the aim of the game was to figure out what goes where etc. I do admit that at the start the hub worlds are annoying but once you get to the part where your free to choose where to go there not really much of a big deal(hey its no where near as bad as soleana). The combat system isn't perfect but its far from the failure that everyone says it is, its boring if your a button mashing noob who constantly mashes Y then complians that he can't destroy a robot in one punch, it can actually be fun if you level him up properly and learn some of the combos, I actually had fun on the Mazuri level.

Ok enough Werehog gagging, Time for what this game is all about and that is the daytime levels which I must admit is the best Sonic experience I have played since Emerald Coast. There fast, long and loads of decent platforming, reminds me alot of Sonic 2(especially apatos). The graphics are just brilliant not the best on the 360 but for the kinda pixar style they were going for is dead on perfect. The only complaint I can find about the levels are that someimes they feel automated mainly at the first 20-30 secs of the level, i felt like I was playing sonic and the secret rings for a while, till I got to the first 2d parts then I knew that this was nothing like SSR.

I have also noticed that reviewers are complaining about the humour and the story, why? its meant to be for kids hence characters like chip, I personally like the childishness of the game, much better than 06's as that game tried to be epic and ended up being the most cliched' game in the world what with the aweful terminator like style with silver and the attempt at being a romeo and juliet with Sonic's death with elise. The story for unleashed is simple, fun and in some places interesting, it doesn't make me want to gauge my eyes out with a rusty spoon unlike 06's Sonic and Elise laughter scene. Robotnik is back to actually being a threat to Sonic unlike the countless monster enemies such as Iblis, he is now like he used to be and that is trying to take over the world to make is well earned Eggman land and being the comic relief of the game.

Overall this game is what i was expecting, I never had high hopes that it would revamp the Sonic franchise but like so many others have said its definetly a step in the right direction, I can only hope this won't be like Sonic's first step into 3d all over again, you know SA1 being amazing, SA2 being almost as good but they tried to add to much gimmicks and characters, then Heroes which kinda took a step backwards, then Shadow which they tried hard to make seem "cool" but just could't cut it, then 06 which concerntrated too much to make it epic that they ruined the story, gameplay etc. Lets hope the next game will expand on the daytime levels and maybe add tails and knuckles but how they used to be, you know in Sonic 3 and Knuckles where they each had an advantage and disadvantage.