I think the game is a good platforming 3D Sonic game....Just a little broken. Thar are a few glitches but I recommend it

User Rating: 6.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog PS3
I remember seeing this game as a kid. I thought It was cool and even herd some kids at school acting like they were Silver the hedgehog. My brother showed me a review of the game on Youtube a year or two later.It was saying how the game was bad in a lot of ways. I was still a sonic fan after the review. I got the game for like $16 with my birthday money in April. I didn't think the game was so bad, And still don't. But it still had its flaws with hear and their. hear are some examples.

The Bad
1.Sonic's mock speed levels can be hard to control.
2.The game has plot holes in the story
3.The Game play with shadow can get a little repetitive
4.Putting sonic in the real world could get a little weird at times 5.Rough and knuckles Gliding made them fall to fast
6.Tales flying sucks.

The Good
1. The game has a lot of creative platforming 2.It will last about a 4 months (its a challenge)
3.The story can feel epic at times.
4. Grate music and when I say grate I mean GRATE!!!!!!!
5.The power ups are O.K. I guess

My last reason for liking this game a bit is because at the end All events of the game were erased from time. So its like it all never happen ya know son.

I still find myself playing levels over and over again.