It has good graphics but the story is really boring.The controls are akward and the game doesnt have much excitement.

User Rating: 5 | Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity WII
Sonic riders ZG isn't the best game they have pulled off. The controlls are really akward and hard to learn. The features in the main menu are really limited and pretty boring and not to mension the main story is pretty dull........especially the last battle which doesnt make sense. I guess the good sides are that the graphics are pretty cool, especially in stunts and meteor bursts and there is a really wide range of great boards to ride on. When or if you will have a chance of playing this game you will wish that the story had something to make you investigate and not just racing. I got bored even before finishing the game or even touching the campaigns or other menus. This game also lets you down when playing with you friends because they aready get bored when they start playing because the controls are too hard to pick up. Even I still couldnt find out how to kick a giant ball through a goal with gravity controls in a game on the menu.