This is a great improvement on the mobile version of this game.

User Rating: 8 | Sonic Jump IOS

Before I used to play Sonic Jump on my parent's mobile phone and I liked that game. In 2012, Sega announced a 2012 update version of this game. I was happy about this as I enjoyed the mobile version. I bought the game and played it, so now I will review this game.

Like the mobile version, Sonic Jump has a story mode in which Eggman is stealing all the animals and Sonic has to go and save them all. One of the new things they added to the game are Red Rings which are collected in Story Mode. Sega have also added more playable characters, an Arcade mode, items, rankings at the end of each act and a Leveling Up system where you can complete challenges to level up.

I really enjoyed Sonic Jump 2012 because it re-invents the Sonic Jump games and keeps the same formula as the past two games. I like the new features added to the game, especially the adding of other characters, which shows that Sega have widely improved on the Sonic Jump series.

The negatives would have to be that the story mode wasn't as good as the mobile game and the lack of zones.

Otherwise, this is a great game as well as an alternative to Doodle Jump.