This game is for Die Hard Sonic fans only. If you are wanting to try a Sonic game for the first time, don't start here.

User Rating: 6.9 | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut GC
Gameplay: About 70% of the entire gameplay aspect is Sonic Adventure from Sega Dreamcast. You'll play through the same story's and level's found in the oringinal game. But luckly, Sonic Team added a few extras in DX. There's a brand-new mission mode to play around in. You'll be assigned to look for mission cards around adventure fields. When you find them, you'll have a mission to accomplish. There are a total of 60 missions in the game, and each set is divided for each character. The other extra is Game Gear unlockables. When you collect a certain number of emblems in the game, you'll unlock Sonic games that appeared on Sega's only handheld system, Game Gear. But other then these extras, the rest of the additions are semi-pointless or not interesting. Sonic Team could have added alot more things, including a multiplayer mode. Graphics: Sonic Team didn't even try hard on the graphics. Sure there are some graphical elements in the game that look better then what appeared on the Dreamcast, but most of the textures are still Dreamcast-style. Sonic Team also messed up the framerate. The game runs at 60 FPS, but sometimes, the framerate drops at a very low speed. During the cutscenes, the framerate runs at 30 FPS. Also, some of the 3D Ploygons in the game are too dark colored compared to the Oringinal Dreamcast game. Sound: The Music remains the same as it was before, but the sound effects have changed. Most of the sound effects are off-tuned and sometimes bad compared to the Oringinal game. The Voice Acting remains the same, which is kind of a bad thing. In my opinon, Sonic Adventure had the worst voice acting performence compared to Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes. Knuckles' voice sounds boring and sort of lifeless. Not only some of the voices aren't perfect, but some voices, like Eggman's, have different sound pitches in different storys. In other words, Eggman acts like a different person in different storys. The game has nice music, but the voice acting and sound effects are pretty lifeless and lazy. Conclusion: If you are a Sonic fan and have never played Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast, then give this game a rent. But I seriously doubt you'll have a good time with this game. I perfer the Dreamcast version then this one. Manily because it didn't have as much glitches as DX has. Again, this is reccomended for Die Hard Sonic fans only. No newcomers to the Sonic games should try this game. This is a VERY lazy port of Sonic Adventure. If you want to advoid the glitches as much as possible, you're better off trying the Dreamcast version.