"Sonic is the fastest thing alive"

User Rating: 9 | Sonic Adventure International DC
Sonic Adventure is a video game developed by Sonic Team and released for the Sega Dreamcast. The game was in full 3D wish was new to the genre. In September 2010 the game was re-released for both Xbox live arcade and Playstation network.

Some say that It was sort of here thing gone bananas. sure the 3D technonigy was pretty new and almost every game that came out had some cind of 3d in it. I can live with one Sonic game like this. But it came out several games in the adventure series after this one. But this one is pretty awsome.

It mabye is hard to understand today, but once upon a time Sonic the Hedgehog was on one of the coolest you could come in contact with within the gameworld. At least during the 16-bit series, back then Segas blue Hedgehog had an importent role too videogames atleast as mush as Nintendos plumber brothers

Today however, the whole Sonic brand have been totally destroyed, and people rather use the hedgehog name as an ivective to associate it with great games. We are many who wonder how it could go so wrong, but i think we all agree that the downward vogue began when Sonic made his debut on the Dreamcast. Even if our fast and agile friend feeld alot better in Sonic Adventures than in later titles his blue tags started to pick in our eyes already here.

Even if the final step in to 3D was a huge villan in the drama it was not this that pulled down the hedgehog in perdition,instead it was his new "friends" and the new environments in the game. Not enough that the enviroments now for instance consists huge cities where police cars driving around the streets and bikini dressed women waits by the pool, the new playable charaters also breaks from the amazing universe we earlier associated Sonic with. Old characters like your sidekick Tails and the tough Knuckles still works, but when oddballs like Big Cat and E-102 Gamma comes in it just feels unbearably, it's enough to just see the names to understand that it dosen't fit here.

The game have unfortunately not aged with dignity For eleven years ago, back in 1999 is the matter of fact. And when Sega decided to re-release the game for the XBLA and PSN you could only hope that they should fix the small bugs and polish some other details the game had on the Dreamcast, but that's not the case here.

There is some events where you get stucked in a wall and some when the camera angle mess with you, or other sequences wish requires high precision of the controller. I got the felling that the characters is mush harder to controll than it was in the original Dreamcast version and that turns down the rating a bit.

The game have some smal tamagochi elements, a world painted in pastel colors and happy music wish can turn one of your bad days to an happy one. This game truly reminds me about my childhood and how games were back then. The game suffers from some less good designe problems, but If you can live with that Sonic Adventures was and is a pretty great game no matter wish platform you have it on.

"Dont Doubt What He Can Do" well i dont doubt Sonic as a character. its' what the developers is doing with him. Keep your dignity my fellow Sonic!