It's alright for newbies to the Sonic series. It's flaws is being too causal for a hard-core platform gamer.

User Rating: 6.5 | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut GC

1. A great soundtrack
2. Character models look great!
3. You get some old skool genesis sonic games.
4. A "alright" story-line for that time in age of video games. the story stays on topic for the most part. personally i thought the story-line in Sonic Adventure 2 was more deeper and dark.


1. I felt the levels were WAY TOO EASY! you can just run threw them! you will barely break a sweat with this game! ONLY hard part i founded about this game was Sonic's last boss, "egg viper". which is when you may end up throwing your video-game console out the window due to the poor camera-work in this game.

2. Sonic Adventure had bad camera-work since it's DC days. WHY was it not fixed in the later port ? 9 times out of 10 IF you die, it will be because of the camera NOT because you have poor skills.

3. Bad voice-acting.

4. No type of control! Sonic just can't seem to run in a straight-line! a lot of times you may end up running off the plat-form due to no type of "technical support" holding Sonic's model in place.

^^^ this was later changed in Sonic Adventure 2 for the DC. In SA2, Sonic runs in place and more easy to control.

PERSONALLY i did not enjoy the "adventure" part of the game. I just want to "platform". I'm not into the whole run around the city looking for such and such type of thing but it was not that bad. i managed. the adventuring zones are pretty small, you get the city with 4 VERY small parts broken-up, a zone that looks like a "Safari" and a few caves & like 2 buildings to enter.

if your new to the platform side of gaming then pick this game up. if your more experienced then i say go with "Sonic Adventure 2" for the DC.

BOTTOM LINE=If you have a DC and the DC copy of this game then stick with that because this "port" will not meet your needs. In fact it's worst then the DC disk in terms of bad camera-work & no control support. Plus it's too causal! You can beat this whole game in a day! when it's too easy, it's just not very fun at all. Sonic Adventure was "ok" for that time of age for video games, can't really be mad at the DC disk BUT when you port the game and don't try to even UPGRADE it then there is a problem.