Enhanced graphics and smoother controls make this the best version of my all time favorite video game.

User Rating: 10 | Sonic Adventure X360
This is an XBLA port of the classic dreamcast title. It's basically the same game with a few improvements. Now onto the actual review -

Sonic Adventure was Sonic's first true 3-D game, and it is, in my eyes, the single greatest game in the series. The story of this game is a bit hard to explain, but I'll do my best. Dr. Robotnik (Eggman) shattered the Master Emerald to pieces, releasing a creature known as Chaos. He plans to use Chaos to flood the planet, destroying all major cities in order to create "ROBOTNIK LAND". Sonic returns from a vacation back to Station Square where he sees police cars, curious as to what's going on Sonic gives chase. What he finds is Chaos. He is able to defeat Chaos rather easily, but it escapes. Later on he notices Tails crashing on the beach, Sonic then goes to rescue. After saving Tails he goes to the Mystic Ruins as Tails wants to show off his Workshop. Sonic runs into Eggman and after a confrontation with his new vehicle, Eggman steals the Chaos Emerald Tails has. Eggman summons Chaos and feeds him the Chaos Emerald, transforming him into a more powerful form (though you never fight it). Now Sonic and Tails realize that they have to collect the Chaos Emeralds before Eggman, or else Chaos will destroy the planet. Now we can get on to gameplay. You have 6 different characters at your disposal (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, and Gamma). Sonic by far has the best gameplay being the closest to a traditional platformer, albeit much faster. Tails is similar to Sonic, except he has to race Sonic or Eggman. Knuckles is searching for the pieces of the Master Emerald, which actually isn't that bad. Amy runs away from a robot named Zero, which is again, actually not that bad. Now Big, actually lets not talk about Big. Gamma is a shoot em up, shoot till you reach your target. Now the gameplay is quite good, the controls are mapped out nicely and they work out very well. Now the graphics haven't aged well, but as the first 128 bit action game, it looked quite fantastic. This has the best graphics of any version of the game, which is odd considering this is the downloadable version. The sound is also quite good, the voice acting isn't the best, but they get the job done for their characters, and the music is quite amazing. Replay value is also quite high as there are emblems scattered around the over worlds, and the extra missions, and the chao garden. So overall you can't go wrong with Sonic Adventure. This is a masterpiece of a game and is, in my eyes, the greatest game of all time.

This is a fantastic port of a fantastic game, the DX upgrade also exists if you want the mission mode. If you've never played it, this is the best way to do it (or on PSN because it'll be released there on the 21st). Enhanced graphics and smoother controls make this the best version of my favorite game of all time.