The remake of the Dreamcast adventure doesnt live up to expectations.

User Rating: 5 | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut GC
the people at sonic team, after the flunk of the dreamcast beleived re-releasing the game Sonic Adventure on the Gamecube, and adding new features would increase the games value. Boy were they wrong. this is a game only for true Sonic fans. the games graphics look exactly the same as the Dreamcast graphics, maybe just slightly better. the story is exactly the same, with only a few extra missions, and these dont do much. the gameplay can be given a small amount of credit as the controls are very easy to use. The game itself is very eays and can be finished in a small amount of time. the team at sonic team added new features. you can unlock the old sonic cames from NES and SNES. while these can be fun they dont give much playing value. there are special features you can access but like before they do pretty much nothing. the game could have been remade to look great, but the makers did pretty much nothing and the gae stays at its mediocre level, as it was before. pretty disappointing. noly hardcore sonic fans should look for this.