Maybe This game wouldn't be so bad If there were not other SOCOMs before it.

User Rating: 3.5 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation PS3
I selected "very hard," because when the other SOCOM games had weapons that worked, (i.e one shot Desert Eagle, one shot sniper rifles, ect.) And this game has a four shot kill with the Desert Eagle, makes you not feel very much at home when you first try to use a pistol in this game. You also won't feel very much at home trying to use an assult rifle that can be ridiculously weak, up to 10 shot kills sometimes. The sniper rifles are unreliabLe, they can be one shot kills to the leg, and two shots to the upper torso. The SMGs can be up to 17-18 shot kills, which even for a bullet that small, is ridiculously weak. This game has many issues like that, some they are fixing, some the devoloper actually thinks is good.

The extreme wait for the game to fixed is a complete letdown, especially when they are not addressing issues such as the inabillity to shoot over a small ledge, no first person option when you tap the up arrow making it a challenge to shoot out of a bush or window, slow character movement, the inabillty to jump-climb. (Jumping then hitting the climb button in the air to climb onto an object faster.) The grenades can land at your feet and not kill you, but then at another time, you will get killed by one from 15 feet away, and even through a wall.

The map selection is just amazingly weak. there are 7 maps in this game, while other SOCOMs has 12 to start, and went up to as much as 22 with map packs. The maps that they kept from classic SOCOM games were Desert Glory, Crossroads, and Frostfire. The other maps are not really worth mentioning except for Urban Wasteland, which is the only good map they made.

Desert Glory used to be my favorite map. They ruined it with explosive material, you literally can not walk ten feet without seeing a barrel, or car.
An don't even get me started about the cars. If you shoot the car windshield out, the car explodes! And on top of that, the explosions don't work. An enemy will be taking cover behind a car, you can shoot the car to make it explode while the enemy is RIGHT BEHIND IT, and he will come out scotch free after the car explodes.

Crossroads is ruined by the same things Desert Glory are ruined by.

Frosfire, they did good. They kept it as it is, only making look prettier.

The weapon selection is weak, only 3 sniper rifles, with two bolt actions for the Commando's side, and 1 semi aoutomatic and 1 bolt action for the Mercenarie's side. There are not as many weapons as there were on the Playstation 2 games, which is a total letdown.

There are more issues, to many to name. You will find a new issue every day if you play this game. It's a disgrace to be called SOCOM. This is a powerfull sytem, we should get even MORE than what we got on the PS2, not less.

Bottom line is, if you have never played a SOCOM game before this, rent it, and you might like it. If you are a long time player of SOCOM, this game will dissapoint you.

Oh, and I wrote 100 hours or more, because this is a SOCOM game, it's the only one on the Playstation 3, and there are no other games like it, so I play it, and I just have to trut through the many issues in this game.