Make sure you pick this one up!

User Rating: 10 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation PS3
I'm Axexis and I'm talking about Socom Confrontation. This is an only multiplayer game so if you like story mode, buy another game! This is a highly addictive game but to get addicted to it, you have to be skilled at it. But some people find a way to enjoy even if they aren't good like me. I just bought this game and I am starting to climb the mountain. This game requires a few things before you can be skilled at it. Patience, courage and communication. Now COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY TO WINNING! Don't run out into the open with a headset and light armor and expect to live, reality is that you will die, quick! Talk to your teammates and tell them that there's a sniper in this building. Then you run out there and survive. If you communicate, you'll live and if you be patient and wait for the enemy to leave they're spot and wait for them to be uncommunitive and run into the open, then you kill him/her. I selected courage because you have to have the courage to fight people that are highly skilled, even if it's 7 on 1 and your that 1 guy. Who cares? Just play them and maybe they'll have the courage to be on your team the next round. It takes courage to play against they're own friends/clan. Enjoy this game while it lasts because there won't be many people playing in a year or so. I know I will be!