I started this game helping in the Beta form.

User Rating: 5 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation PS3
There were a lot of bugs and glitches as there is with most betas. Being an on-line game only I wish there was a single player option so I could play something while they are fixing the problems with the on-line. Anyway there isn't, so I and everyone else waited for the glitches, freezing and other little problems with the game to be fixed, which most of them have been. I'm a little disappointed that one of the main problems in the game still seems to be there, hence freezing whenever an enemy is nearby. You know, you start shooting the enemy and you freeze, yet he gets to still shoot you, and you die. This is a great game, I just wish they would fix this one problem that has been with the game since the Beta. I would much rather have that fixed than a reward system ie. Badges, trophies etc.