Socom is finally here and brings back the socom 2 feel!

User Rating: 9 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation PS3
If you have played socom in the past you know that socom 2 is the best one to ever come out. It was the most addicting online game for the ps2 and maybe the best online game out at its time. Now we have socom confrontation. It brings back alot of the classic maps like crossroads and desert glory which were by far the most popular maps... especially crossroads! They have redone them alot but in a good way. I did pre order the game about a month ago and i got the beta. When i first played the beta i did not like the game that much... mainly because of the lag and minor problems.... but now they have fixed the lag and the graphics look a bit better than the beta. Its well worth the price as well only 40 bucks for the game but keep in mind it is a online multiplayer only game but i think thats a good thing because socoms single player wasn't very good in the past anyway. Also you can get the headset with the game for just an extra 20 dollars which is a deal! If you are a past fan of socom i strongly suggest you get this game because its one of the best online games out right now and i think it will only get better as soon as the servers run lag free! Now for the review

Graphics: 8/10-the graphics won't blow you away like mgs4 but they are still pretty good!

Gameplay: 10/10 The game is pretty much your simple online squad based shooter and by that i tell you its alot more fun to work together!

Sound: 9/10 Guns sound awesome!

Controls: 9/10 They have tried the six axis movement in this game meaning when you tilt the controller one way your character on the screen will lean out that way around corners to remain in cover... it works surprisingly well and is kind of unique.. but people will just end up running and gunning! They always do.

Overall I give the game a 9.2/10. This game is worth the buy because it has great replay value and the new clan system is very cool and will keep you wrapped up in socom for months to come!