I was a beta tester, and i hated the game. But the release of the game has fixed all the issues

User Rating: 9 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation PS3
when i first downloaded the beta i had very high hopes, those hopes were crushed after the load times, lag, and nasty graphics. but it seems slant six made enough improvements to make a solid game... first things off the graphics, the graphics pretty much stayed the same but it does look sharper and the graphics dont seem as pixeled.

the load times have been drastically overhauled... in the beta i use to wait 20-30 minutes to get into a game, now i wait less than a minute.

ive played the game for over 10 hrs and i havent had a lag yet.

also the controls dont feel as stiff as they did in the beta.

i would highly recommend this game to anyone that loves online multiplayer. the game really has gone through a big change since the beta... so please dont base your judgement whether to buy this game based upon beta experience because everything has been redone.

probably the only thing that would give this game a solid 10 is if it had more levels... the game comes with 7 levels... and if the graphics were bumped up a bit... but overall a great game. its worth the money if u get the game with the MIC... the mic works wonderful and is very comfortable.