Buggy? maybe ... Laggy? Not now

User Rating: 9 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation PS3
If your lazy, read the part "VEREDICT".

First , i just got it today (20 nov 09) and it may be too soon to review this game. But let me tell you something:


Well, you may think: " ah great, im gonna shoot them all" ... NO! its a very TACTIC game.
You can be walking and then *boom* , you're dead ... why? you have limited health and you MUST move carefully, watch every corner before running, take cover when you can and of course, try to go in group or if you go alone, be LETHAL.

It's addicting because it makes you feel that you're that soldier, that you MUST survive or at least die while helping your friends. Now lets review in general the game:

GRAPHICS: at first , i said "what the **** is this using the PS3 power?" -- After playing a few games, i realized how detailed and BIG are the maps. Every map is fun, TACTIC and has LOTS of different ways to complete your objective. You can customize your soldier, camouflage , weapons, bla bla bla, almost everythiing (even scars).

The only bad thing, are the LOOOONG load times before each game.

MULTIPLAYER: i know, this game is online only . But as i said, i just got the game and is LAG FREE ( with a few problems sometimes, like every game). I'm glad i just got the game, becauuse i would have said "this game sucks" XD

STORY: nope, theres no campaign. LEVELING: yeah its hard, but you will enjoy everytime you receive new items because of your "EPICNESS" (does that exists?)

CUSTOMIZATION: there are few "head" costumizations , but it doenst matters everything else- ITS AWESOME !!! xD

BUGS: yeah, some movement bugs on some maps, but it doenst affects gameplay.

Would you love to play a TACTIC GAME? Get it !
Would you like to play a game with most of the game types with "NO RESPAWN"? Get it !
Would you like to play with me? GET IT !!

"I want to shoot and run dude!! " ---> dont get it
"LEEROOOOY JENKIIIIINS" ---> dont get it
"Why am i reading this?" ---> dont get it