I would hardly call this game a SOCOM game. The SOCOM series is one of the best for the playstation; this is awful.

User Rating: 3.5 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation PS3
SOCOM is one of the most prestigious titles on the Playstation. SOCOM is considered to be the pioneer of online console gaming, with its fast paced, tactical combat system. Its a game like Counter Strike, in the aspect that people would become immersed in the game, and play for hours every day. Ever since SOCOM 3 was released, the series has been on a downfall. Zipper added vehicles and larger maps, making the game much more tedious. Even so, the game was still entertaining, and one of the best online titles available.

Zipper let Slant Six games, a small gaming studio from Vancouver, Canada, take the task for making the next-gen SOCOM title so Zipper could work on their upcoming title, MAG. And I will say this now, Zipper made a huge mistake. SOCOM was a very anticipated title for the PS3. Many SOCOM players bought a PS3 strictly for playing Confrontation, and they were in for quite a disappointment. SOCOM: Confrontation was rushed for release. It was pretty much DOA. Confrontation lacked a single player campaign, which was already a big minus. When it was released, it had many flaws. Bullets would go through walls, players would constantly throw grenades, etc. It was practically a beta when it was released. Even through the patches, Slant Six failed to fix many glitches and problems with the game. Even disregarding the programming flaws, the game itself felt nothing like "SOCOM 2, with prettier maps". The game play was completely different; it felt as though you spent most of your time running around the unnecessarily large maps trying to find enemies. Even if you did find enemies, they were hard to kill, since SOCOM has very exaggerated recoil and weapons damage, and don't forget the armor system. The game was nowhere as fast-paced as previous SOCOM games. Confrontation missed out many aspects of previous SOCOM games, such as the ability to change weapons in the round, first person mode, and time reduction when a team is winning. New maps made for Confrontation have terrible level design. The game only includes 7 maps. Many of the maps allow you to camp in the water until the game is over, thus tying the game. Most of the time in ranked rooms, you will get killed and sit in spectator mode for 4 minutes. It's just boring and slow paced. Slant Six promised frequent DLC's, and almost a year later, we still haven't seen a DLC. Slant Six has not even bothered to read forum posts. Just awful.

Long story short, SOCOM: Confrontation should not even be considered a SOCOM title; it is nothing like previous SOCOM games; boring and slow paced. Sure, it's prettier, but the lack of campaign and just utterly boring multiplayer make the game quite bad. If you are a hardcore SOCOM fan, please spare yourself some pain and do not buy this game.