A game you can love if you don`t compare it to other games like it.

User Rating: 9 | SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs PS3
I will start by saying i`m not normally into games likes this at all.But after playing this game i found it very fun.

The game does take time getting use to though.commanding your troops is pretty good and solid.But the ai sometimes moves into a postion were it can get shot at.even though you to told them to go to a specific spot.But that this happens not that often from what i can tell.

The only thing i don`t like is you can`t heal your teammates in single player mode.the game story is very good considering i`m only half way through it.

As for multiplayer i won`t know til the ps3 net work is back online.

To be honest this can be a fun game.It`s not perfect but what game really is.
The controls are good and solid.the graphics are good.but the character graphics could`ve been better.The guns are good.and seem pretty realistic to me.

The stealth boards were fun.but they could`ve allowed room for player mistakes.

All i can say it`s a game i`m glad i bought.you should try to judge this game on your own and not compare it to other games like it.you maybe surprised to find how much you might like or dislike this game.