War is a now and time reality, get used to fighting on games it could come soon...

User Rating: 8 | SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (Greatest Hits) PS2
Well if war in real life was anything but gruesome you would be right. Even though in the past 7 or 8 years that seems to be the only game that sells the best; is the game with violence. Violent games are the only ones that help us win the wars. Now and days with our excelling tech we soon forget to realize the reality and horror of war we won't soon be able to realize between if the war game we are playing is real or not, do we not? But I'm all for the war, especially the war on terror.
This game was great, but not the best game I've every played. This game is a passive in relation to the U.S. Navy Seals which is a sort of anti-terrorist organization that fights for the good of man-kind. This game displays a wide variety of commands and useful hints and tips of how to evade the lines of danger.

Surprise or Fear?

In our games now and day this game portrays what war could be like, but the only thing preventing war is the people fighting to prevent it. People who hate violence, kind of ironic; where you have to fight to prevent violence because you don't accept the nature of it. Anyways this game portrays the exclusiveness to what new broadcasting stations never show. The real fighters behind the enemy lines. The ones fighting to save our "GREAT" American butt! If it weren't for some of the people fighting today I'd like to see what the people would do without them. War is a now and time reality, get used to fighting on games it could come soon. What would war bring with it, Fear or surprise? Well that's everything this game brings, except not to the player of course, it's not resident evil. This game exclusively shows what non intense fighting action is not need to take out a whole army. Only the action used to take out the influence. Throughout this game you secretly or public can take out your enemy, but what's the good if you come run up to them guns blazing, that doesn't bring fear or surprise if your 20 miles away from you target, it brings stupidity into the picture. That why the enemy always somehow manages to know you're coming. hmmmmmmmm... how did they see us coming? I don't know maybe when you were invading the village over and shot off your guns in celebration. Possibly.
In this game you have a wide variety of modifications, which comes to your silencer, scope, or large clip for that "extra ammo" (AKA used to celebrate mostly when you've killed everyone or so you thought). In this game your mission is to find a target and destroy it or protect it right? Well of course what good would it be if you didn't do anything at all? Thats why they add guns and people to make the game more interesting. This game is very interesting and very fun. At some times it can be very easy which gets annoying if you be the game in less than 5 hours. Even on hard but less than 7 hours. In this game it not only shows commands used even today by our soldiers used to evade enemy lines. This game uses well know tactics to surprise and strike fear into the enemy. This game portrays it very way by allowing you to take out an enemy silently, or unless you want to go out guns blazing and get yourself killed, your choice. This game takes place in a few distinct small areas which makes the game campaign very short, which is kind of good. The only exception on this game from its previous ones were probably the graphics which were a big improvement from its last one Socom II. The unrealistic nature of this game also is that you can get shot at like 20 million times and not die. Plus if you are about to die you magically find a perfectly unused med-kit behind a rock that wasn't there just 2 days ago. Also you can like get shoot with a bazooka, and somehow your al in once piece with no blood spilt. But you men seem to die much easier. One thing I do like about this game is that you can access and drive the on terrain vehicles. Which makes the game a whole lot more exciting when you can run over your enemy and full speed turn around and find yourself in the path of a rpg. Sound fun? And then you die, Mr. not so invincible. Other than explaining to you what this game is ill explain what its not in realistic terms. Its not that very bloody which makes it not on my "to play list" but somehow managed to make it on "my collection". There is no gore involved which shows the horror and reality of war. And its unrealistic in fighting parts where you never seem to die, which is good at some times.
Worth playing?
This game is worth playing it's a fun filled action game which sort of displays the reality of war. There's minimal language which make s the game better instead of having to listen to some guy cuss you out at the top of his brains. That makes you want to shoot him, and sometimes you do which ends the lvl, causing you have to start over. If you love fighting games go ahead try it out yourself. This game was great, but on my terms just not good enough for me. Some may agree with me, but I'm in for the hardcore fist person shooters, I don't care much for 3rd person. I also want to thank you for spending the time to read this. If you need more info about this game just send me a message on Gamespot, and ill get to you when I can.