A some what dissapointment from its predessecers.

User Rating: 7.2 | SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (Greatest Hits) PS2
Yes Socom is my favorite game but this one fell short for me, a major dissapointment. Socom 1 and 2 where both amazing game's mixing stealth, tactics and and a story that puts you in the game. Socom 1 and 2 had there parts offline. But Socom 3 felt rushed. There where improvements to the game, adding the vehicles, and weapon attachments but the bringing of more players online, and open maps was reason for its online feeling short. Offline still doesnt compare to Socom 2. The whole expierence was left out for me. Reason being because i love socom for what is was stealth, and tactics, There was none of this apperent in the game. The use of the Microphone wasnt even needed in this game reason being that there wasnt any good orders to give like in socom 2. Graphics even looked slack, AI was stupid in some levels, and the online community wasn't as good as i thought. The number of people playing socom 2 online compared to the number of people in socom 3 is cut in half. Daily socom 2 brought in 100,000 people while at most socom 3 brought in 30,000. Yup all my prayers and hope for a socom 4 on the PS3 that will keep me playing it and cashing in all those hours i did once on socom 2 online (500). Hopefully it isnt anything like Socom: Combined Assualt, what the **** where they thinking.