The Best Online Game For PS2 PERIOD! And Thats Not An Oppinion...

User Rating: 9.3 | SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (Greatest Hits) PS2
This game is a game you can play for a long time. The single player is awesome, by giving your team commands. Its not as simple as "Go There" you can give detailed commands. And your team mates arent idiots. They can throw grenades exactly where you want, and arent idiots with them. They dont shoot you by accident. They stay stealth. Esspecially if you tell them to stay stealth. And the missions can keep you busy for quiet awhile. its quiet a long game. But this game isnt so great for SIngle Player. ONLINE is the Best thing about it. You can talk to people on Headsets. Which makes it great. You can drive vehicles. Or just ride in one while someone else drives it. Or controller a gun turret on it. There are several Hummers, Tanks, Trucks, Boats, And a few other Vehicles. All can carry multiple people. This game is not "Point your crosshairs, and you hit EXACTLY where you shoot" the sniper You absolutley cannot run with. At up in your face range. if you are running, trying to get away from their shooting. Your sniper wont even hit point blank pretty much. The reticule gets HUGE. The sniper is only made for hiding with, and sniping people that dont see you. If you are spotted. I suggest even if its not close range. Use a Pistol. The other guns, that are automatic. Kinda spread alot and arent so great for long range. You can put it on burst shot were it shoots only 3 at a time each trigger pull. But its more accurate. Or semi-automatic. You cant impale them with as many shots. But its alot more accurate. Ideal for long range when you have an automatic. You can play as the Seals or the Terrorist. They both are just as equally good. And have good inventory and costumes. And both have snipers gillie suits. But they have a few different weapons. None is better then the other.

I recommend this game to WHOEVER likes PS2 Online Games.

Gameplay: Excellent. The best shooter Ive ever played. Very military style. With explosives you can plant. if you plant alot, and a truck comes down that road. You just might take it out. But its hard to do, sometimes they spot the mines and go around them. And sometimes the Mines aren't powerful enough to completley destroy it. But can possibley kill someone in it. You can also carry bodys. and take your enemys weapons after their dead. And online, just as a taunt to make them mad, you can dance on their bodys. lol. kinda stupid but its funny sometimes. Graphics: Very good, Esspecially for PS2. This was made in 2005 and is still considered a good graphic game. The explosions of vehicles and tanks and stuff is So Awesome. And when a tank shoots its big gun on it. And blows up a vehicle. The explosions are huge.

Sound: Amazing, I love the sound of everyone shooting at the same time, in a huge crossfire. alot of people have different guns and makes it sound cooler. The explosions sound cool too. From the tanks big gun. And from people stepping over mines.

Value: Deffinetly worth BUYING. Renting it wont satisfy you enough. This is a game you can play online for along time. Although Socom Combined Assault is for sell now. And possibley might be better. This game is still worth it. By alot...