A very good army game, though lacking in some areas.

User Rating: 8.2 | SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (Greatest Hits) PS2
Socom 3 is worth the 20$ it currently goes for. It is a decent, fun game. Your a US Navy Seal, fighting the terrorists. This game sometimes gets confusing. Sometimes this game even gets a little boring, repetitive. If your looking for a game with a great storyline, don't expect to find it in this game. And the AI in this game isn't so good, for example, if you command your teammate to trow a frag they might trow it right in front of them self and kill the whole team. But the overall basic gameplay is satisfying. Like in the past games you get to choose your weapons before ou deploy in the mission. If you have Socom Fireteam Bravo for the PSP, you can complete crosstalk objectives and unlock extra things for Socom 3. The online play for this game is the best part. There are vehicles, clans, friends lists, mics, and much more. This game is overall very good, but not perfect because of the not so smart AI, the sometimes repetitive gameplay, and the lacking storyline.