Multiplayer is the funnest thing about this game.

User Rating: 8.3 | SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (Greatest Hits) PS2
The Best thing about this game is the multiplayer. The single player was way too easy, I beat it 3 times or so for the unlockables for the online play. The AI wasn't so smart and fairly easy to kill. The Multiplayer is fun althought Some of the community can be jerks. Make sure to turn off those 203s when you play or else the game will become Super Laggy and You'll almost die every time you spawn. Respawn Mode usually ends up in alot of Spawncamping but the Normal round mode rocks, It's really fun and smooth and Challenging if you're not playing Noobs. I didn't enjoy this game as much as Socom 2 because the maps were too big on 32 players and I think it kinda ruined the game. They didn't include the old maps which Kinda sucked but they added some New maps which were fun.

Even with some of those negatives I would recommend you buy it If you enjoy online play.