Perhaps becoming a real sniper would be easier...

User Rating: 4 | Sniper: Ghost Warrior PC
I did not finish the game. I can't even say I played it long enough to get a 'feel' for the real game. That said, I really REALLY wanted to keep playing but the outrageous difficulty cripples this game! Yes, it is so bad that the game really is broken! Firstly, I played no more than 2 hours - but it was not fun at all because it really doesn't give any opportunity for the player to just chill and enjoy the game. Let me give specifics: being seen by the enemy even when I'm hiding where I should be is just silly. Why have 'hiding' in a game when simply crouching in there gets you killed time and time again. I had the difficulty on low (which was the first time I had a game on that setting), and nothing really changes. It's crazy!!! Or the enemy sees you from what seems like 100s of meters away, and yet their aim is so good that they keep hitting you - even when you're in full camouflage, crouching and not even shooting. I mean that's just comical. This is the sort of game I wish I could just return to the store and get the money back! It's worthless, it's broken and it's a rip-off! It better be patched or this game is doomed to be a massive failure! If you are absolutely sure that it's just me (and that the rest are just unable to keep up with the torture), then by all means get the game - but trust me - rent it first... Now, I'm sure some absolutely LOVE the difficulty, but the point being is that some players just want to 'play' not be tortured. Keep this sort of difficulty to the 'high' level and make the easy level simple.