Years after it's been released, it's still one of the best tennis games I've ever played.

User Rating: 8.5 | Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 PS2
It's indeed almost a classic, challenging even to the best player out there. The game is very well done, there is only one thing I don't like: The unskippable credits. Also, to unlock mere cards you gotta do a lot of stuff... It gets frustating after a while, but it's worth it to perfect your skills, since you're never really quite there.
You can create your athletes too, steadily evoluting them and participating in tournaments, winning and getting some money for the cloth unlockables. And when you level up a skill, some go up and some go down, depending on which skill you decide to level up, which is realistic.
The game strategy is very, very well defined. A 'Power Serve' character has their serves easily cross 145 mph, while a 'Serve and Volley' character excells at volley and makes a decent serve.
I've spotted some errors in gameplay however, and it gets on my nerves when I miss the ball that was right in front of me... But despite that, it's an enjoyable experience, since even in easy mode the game is itself a bit hard.

Overall: 8.5