I have bought this game yesterday and I can tell that this game is quite a good one! I'll put it simple...

User Rating: 9.2 | S.L.A.I.: Steel Lancer Arena International PS2
I have bought this game yesterday and I can tell that this game is quite a good one! I'll put it simple...

The review you can see here isn't actually full...

This is the story of you playing a game on the net (Like any MMORPH but not on the "true" online world!) It is a bit like ".Hack" but with big robots (AV like in "Armored Cores") which fight in virtual world that represente the 20th century main cities around the world... You have a "Chip" (A sort of AI that help you) like everyone in this game... (If you bought one, it will have a animal face) This chip will learn about all you do in combat and so improve you AV responds in combat... (It like if the agents, in the "Matrix" helped the citisen to become stronger and learn about it...)

Well if you like big robot fight, online chat and lot of customisity and "credits"(money in game) manipulation, this is surely a very good game to have!

3 most specials things in this game are:
-Fast combat (I could say like in "Zone of the Enders")
-Lot of customise like musics and your AV and its performantes
-Fun unseen story about a world online that expend with you

But, like I always tell, rent it first to be sure... since it can be reveal like a crap game to those who don't like to loose to a AI... (Some time, you can't do anything else than dying since they got you in a corner with all their fire power)