A very simple fly around and shoot stuff game that plays a little bit like Descent.

User Rating: 6.5 | Sky_Arena X360
Hey, another fun "freebie". Granted, it's at 80 points, but here's the description :

Have fun ^^. there are no restrictions to trial mode, you do not need to pay for it! In the Single player mode, you will be the winner if you kill at least 5 enemys! In the Split screen mode, you have to eliminate the leader of the enemys(1P/2P) if you want to win the game. Presented by wangjun360

That's about it. The description pretty well sums up the game. And it's pretty damn fun too, even though there isn't a lot to it. It plays a lot like Star Fox 64, only it's more or less a deathmatch game that I'm utterly terrible at. But keeps me coming back … mainly because I wanna blow someone out of the sky.

The game has a fair amount of replay value to it, even though I haven't blown up ANY ships yet. I do seem to be doing a lot of ramming though. You have 2 weapons, a regular old gun and missiles. You throttle forward by holding the right trigger, and if you wanna go even faster, you can hit X while you've got the trigger held down. Active reload is on the Left bumper, the directional pad controls avoiding and missile cameras. It's all pretty basic stuff. You just fly around and try to blow up the other ships. It comes with 4 maps that are named with the incredibly genius name of "1st Map" "2nd Map" so on and so forth. And when you start the 2 player split screen play with one controller hooked up, the other ship will do nothing, and eventually float to the ground and blow up where you get "Team 1 win the game"

Graphically, the ships themselves have a light cel-shading look to them and look pretty damn good with a smooth constant frame rate that hasn't dropped yet. The maps themselves look decent enough, but the textures are pretty hideously low resolution. Luckily, you don't notice them that much. They're of decent enough size for the number of ships they have, and it's weird to see actual blue skies in a recent video game for me.

The sound, well, the effects themselves are pretty light but sound good. The missiles sound decent enough, your default gun sounds like it does a lot more damage than it actually does. The explosions are done well. But the music is another story. You get this weird porno sounding music on the main menu that isn't very long and loops itself which tends to get annoying. But the in game music is hard core Godsmackish rock music that's just kick ass.

The gameplay is pretty good, except the CPU controlled ships are pretty tough. The ship moves along like you'd expect it to, it's easy to aim and fire shots off. The missiles have their typical "lock on and follow" stuff going on, though with all the ships moving around as such a speed it's hard to get and maintain a lock, so you've gotta learn to fire off the missiles AS SOON as that sucker turns red. Other than starting the 2 player mode for the hell of it I haven't actually tried it, but the frame rate didn't stutter at all, so there's that.

6.5 – This seems like kind of a test for a much bigger, better game to me. It's definitely worth a download and worth trying out. But just imagine this game with a whole lot more maps, 8 to 16 player Xbox Live support, 4 player local with a campaign mode of some kind as well as other game modes. THEN it would truly rock.