One of my absolute favorite games

User Rating: 8.5 | Skies of Arcadia Legends GC
I know I'm not being objective when I rate this, and, to be fair, I lowered it from a 9.0 to an 8.5. Still, I loved this game. I loved the battle system and the elemental/color weapon system. I loved the special attacks and the magic. I really loved the whole aspect of flying your ship through the skies (and sometimes I would spend hours simply flying and flying and flying...). But most of all, I loved the characters. This is a sort of feel-good game, and my love for it is probably something I should keep to myself, but I can't. It's a wonderful game, and if you're looking for a good RPG with fun exploration, a great battle system, and an excellent cast, this is it. Sure, it's old. Sure, it's graphics were outdated even when it came out. Sure, it's not up to par with some of today's games. But it's got a heart that most games don't, and you will remember this one for years and years. It's in my personal "hall of fame," and if you play it, you'll know why.