Just a fun hack and slash game...

User Rating: 9 | Silver PC
Silver a quite forgotten gem that was and is underappreciated. It doesn't try to be groundbreaking or superb, and it isn't, but what it is, is just plain good old hacking and slashing fun.

Graphics 9/10
The graphics are great. They consist of 2D backgrounds which are detailed, with a beautiful artistic design. Back in 1999 these were quite a looker. The characters are 3D and they don't look nearly as good, still they don't look as bad as in some other games of that time.The characters portraits are also drawn and they've got this distinctive look, which is almost, but not quite, japanese in style.

Sound 8/10
The sounds are quite consistent, you can hear birds in the forest, footsteps into snow in snowy areas, etc. Sometimes you will be treated to a good music score, yet sometimes the game stays too quiet.

Story 5/10
The story starts off good, but who is your enemy and who are your alies becomes evident too soon. And the game turns into a simple search for several magical orbs. There are some surprises, but these are only minor and not really that relevant.

Gameplay 9/10
As to the gameplay itself, the combat itself is really really fun. You can use keyboard controls to make a variety of swings, or use your mouse to cast magic, use combos or use items, like the werewolf shapeshifting necklace, if you have them equipped. It is a simple, but effective system once you learn to execute moves at great efficiency. Still there two significiant flaws in this fun system.
First of all your two companion (with the exception of your starting companion, Grandad, who is autonomous) are not autonomous, you need to control them directly, otherwise they won't fight. But because the combat system requires your immediate attention to all actions and it is real time without the option to pause, you will be unable to effectively control all 3 characters, in fact you will only control 1 character effectively, the others will either be standing around doing nothing or if you group-select them, they start slashing in the random direction which they were facing when you group-selected them. This makes them utterly useless in combat and they die most of the time. Fortunately in the game they cannot die and will be resuscitated when the combat ends, but for its duration, they are out.
The second significiant flaw is no quickmapping of combos, magic or items. Each time you want ot switch weapons, combos, or consume an item you have to enter the inventory, but the game does not pause, meaning, it is highly inefficient to do this during combat and if you do it, you have to be quick about it. Especially during boss-fights.

Replayability 10/10
Great replay value! Why? Firstly because it's not a game based on the story, its a game based on combat, on fights, which are as much fun the first playthrough as well as in the second one. Secondly because the game is short and when you end it you will have the desire for more carnage, more fights, more swordplay.

So to wrap it up, you can just say this is in fact a very primitive game, with very basic controls, very standard premises. What makes it so fun are the fights, especially close combat brawls and the moves and swings you can execute. Back in 1999 there were few rpg or hack and slash games who had combat more direct than a simple click or several clicks and silver was one of these.