A mediocre horror game that mainly concentrates on blood and gore,but not a bad effort from komani.

User Rating: 8 | Silent Hill PS
Silent hill is a fair game that concentrates on gore and blood.
Nobody hates some good old blood and gore but this game has a bit too much of it. A very entertaining game which has quite a mysterious style.
A scary game with some interesting bits. This game has more good things than bad but for me is mediocre. No doubt though his game is the horror game of the month,and for some the year as well.
Not a bad effort from komani at all.The sequels are much better though.
This game has good graphics and gameplay but fails to deliver in one tiny thing.Fun.This game is too much horror and no action but is worth the money and most of the time.I completed and got tired of it and so I swapped it with my friend for star wars battlefront 2.This is a fairly good game though,but sometimes is a bit confusing.