I had nightmares after playing this 6 hours straight.

User Rating: 8 | Silent Hill PS
I am not a hardcore gamer, so 6 hours on a single game in one day is a lot for me. I remember playing Silent Hill for just about that amount of time one day, about 6 years ago, the next night I had horrible multiple nightmares, because of the unbelievable sensation of tension this game acquires.
The controls are a bit stiff and uncomfortable sometimes, so the gameplay isn't good, but not bad too. The storyline and all the disturbance in the game is what makes it good. The camera angles only raise the uncomfortable feeling of tension here, so does the school bell you pick up at the beginning of the game. The enemies have an uncertain form which makes it creepier. The characters look as if they're not really there, but mere illusions of the main protagonist.
So overall a good game, not something amazing, but definitely a scary one, with a well-bred atmosphere that tightens the senses more and more as you advance through the game.
8 / 10