A nice beginnng for silent hill series

User Rating: 8 | Silent Hill PS
Silent Hill, Konami's response to Capcom's highly successful Survival Horror franchise Resident Evil. It tells an emotional tale of a father searching for his daughter in a fog laden New England town filled with alternate worlds and devilish monsters.
Majority of the weapons are melee unlike resident evil which features modern and high-tech weapons. Puzzles in this game will really going to make you think hard especially the piano in the school. Graphics for its day were surprisingly average yet still atmospheric. Utilizing a completely 3D world as opposed to the Resident Evil series trademark pre-rendered backgrounds gave the impression of being immersed in the town at the cost of the disturbing detail provided by Pre-Rendered backgrounds on the PSX's 32-Bit hardware.
The gameplay feels a bit stiff at times, but the story and level of horror more
than make up for that. The game may seem to be going easy on you, but
once you get to the school, you can say goodbye to any sense of comfort
you had (considering you had any in a game such as this). Once the nightmare school kicks in, your courage will really be tested, unlike Reside-nt Evil, which just gives a "BOO!" type of scare.