Games dont get better than this

User Rating: 10 | Silent Hill PS
I will never forget the day that i bought Silent hill 1 with my mother i must have been seven and I dont know why i was aloud have lol.

I put it in and pressed play and i was blown away by the graphics... the character animation was something that was never seen before in a game. I was terrified but hooked to this game i could not put it down. I found my self watching the intro a few times because i taught it was brilliant

Your thrown into a town covered in a deep fog you never know what is going to jump out at you next. A town full of maniacs who seem help full on the outside and many types of crazed monsters

By the time i cleared the game i didnt know what happened you really dont know what went on in silent hill and in my opinion this is the best ending of all an ending left to the players imagination

altogether silent hill has to be my second best gaming experience to date

Second to metal gear solid