One of best games in SH series!Much improvement in graphics aspects,more scarier then the previous one.

User Rating: 9 | Silent Hill 3 PC
So just when i finished Sillent Hill 2 i installed the third game in serial.

So the story is:
Game is Set seventeen years after the events of Silent Hillin which Harry Mason defeats the god of the town cult and is given a baby girl to care for, Silent Hill 3 focuses on Heather, a teenage girl who finds herself being drawn into Silent Hill's alternate reality. She discovers that the cult plans to use her to birth their god, and becomes caught in a conflict within the cult.Even though the game doesent tell the story as good as the previous game its still great one.

Gameplay havent changed much,it is still focused on three main elements combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving,game have some camera bugs,but if u played previous game u wont be so angry(even though i expected they will improve it).Even though the story is not as good as in sillent hill 2(which i mentioned)the game is far more scarier.

Graphics:Wow,just wow.Konami used new engine for the game which let them make better looking graphics,models are better,textures are great,particles are done very good,realistic shadows are awesome.Graphics improved very much since the SH2.It even looks good for some of today games.

Akira Yamaoka once again did great job.Music is great,surounding sound effects are great.

So i also reccomend playing this game if u are sillent hill fan (or survival horror fan in general),or if u trying to find something that will scare the S**t out of u.If you thing u got the balls play the game in dark room somewhere in midnight.