Silent hill 3 has to be the most violent, sick, and twisted game I played.

User Rating: 8.3 | Silent Hill 3 PC
Silent Hill 3 has to be up their with Resident Evil as a great horror game.The Storyline is easy to understand and you can't stop playing without knowing what happens next.The puzzles can be hard but, we all need to use our brains once in awhile that's why we have them.The graphics of this game are better then Silent Hill 2 making the character come to live.The blood,and gore in this game is insane you can't even imagine!If,you really want to be scared try playing this game in the dark and say how afraid you are after you played the game.Game play-wise, it’s the same as Silent Hill 2.You wander mostly indoors this time rather than the foggy streets of Silent Hill.As the girl Heather,you hunt for keys to unlock new rooms, solve puzzles on three different riddle modes, and either run away from, or kill the assortment of evil, demonic monsters out to get hasn't changed much from Silent Hill 2.
Sound wise, the soundtrack’s better this time with lyrics. Other than that, the same spooky, moody, ambient sounds are here. If you heard a lot of the first two Silent Hill game’s soundtracks, then you’ll immediately feel at home with the style in this game. It’s hard to describe exactly what the music is like, but it’s very guitar-like, not to mention loud.
This game is the work of a genius that knows what the fans wants.This game did deliver as a great Horror Action Adventure.
If,you like Horror Action Adventure games you should get this one it will leave with an odd feeling in the end.Silent Hill 3 can really make time fly because their are a lot of unlocks you can get by playing the game over and over.
Remember "don't fever the horror let the horror fear you"!