The most boring game in world goes online...not quite.

User Rating: 8.2 | Shot Online PC
Golf is known as very boring sport for rich fat dudes to play...after playing this game I realized that first part about boring is incorrect.

Now with ShotOnline you can play golf for FreeToPlay with other people around the world.

After staring the game and learning the basic I acctually got addicted to it, there are alot of things you need to consider for shot like wind, weather, blah blah blah. And after all that you can use spin to help you.
The actual shot is 3 click system, you click once to start, then power and then accuracy...if done correctly you get 100% power and 0%on accuracly creating perfect shot...if not your can even go outofbounds.

Now the point is to get the ball on green in shortest time possible. The putting shows dots moving on matrx and distance to hole, then you must take accound the moving of dots, distance and then adjust power accordinly...quite hard actually.

This game is RPG, so you create your char and earn exp, levels, money etc. Then buy things you need...things in ShotOnline are quite expensive.

The game can be enjoyed by all its not uncommon where you have to play against 10 year old kid who usualy quits when he sees he's not gonna win.
Yes, a big problem is that some people quit right before the end, and if it happends that everyone quits then the winner does not get payed the winning he deserves...offcorse this is played also by adults so its not as huge problem as in A18.

As you gain rank you gain status(beginner, amateur, semi-pro, pro) and with each you earn more money, have better eq., can hit further and more accurate etc lvl 20 cannot really compete with 40.

FreeToPlay system...a system where you can buy items with real $$$, but ShotOnline takes this further then other FTP MMOs I played, the items are more expensive, you can buy anything in the game, aaaand here is the catch, you can buy membership(example gold), for about 20$ or so you get a membership where you get more exp, lower prices and game money...and this membership lasts for 1 whole month(unlike others who last like 1h).

Lag happends, but because of style of play it does not effect gameplay.

Graphic is ok, sound is better turned off...there is very anoying sound when its your turn and I haven't found a way to disable it withouth disabling other SFX...and BGM is gets very very boooring after a have your internet radio rady.

As for players...there are different types but alot of people answers any and all questions you may have, and even give you tips, which shows that its really nice comunity.

All in all this is very very fun game if you can get trough basics(effects on ball, spins etc), I'd recommend this to anyone who ever wanted to see what golf is about, or joust want to have some relaxing fun.