sort of cool

User Rating: 10 | Ship Simulator 2006 PC
this game is ok but it needs music and you should be able to go were ever you want ; also if you hit something like another ship the ship should sink and you should be able to be in it when it sinks; also i wish they would have put waves in it like the 08 one; and i got titanic to tip on its side and went in where the water was on the deck and there was just blackness no blue water with sun rays through the water ; also when on titanic you should be able to go inside the ship and look through it ; and if the game was redone it would be better like if the ships could sink and you were in titanic the water would move through the ship like in real life; also if it had the crew , passengers , and the life boats could be lowered; if it did like on virtual sailor were you can see the ship sink underwater.