A very dull, very primitive game

User Rating: 2.5 | Sherlock Holmes: Another Bow C64
I used to love text adventure games when I was a kid. There were some classics that I recall playing for hours and hours and never getting anywhere but still having fun typing in dumb commands. Try getting kids these days to play something like that.

In this game an elderly Holmes is traveling to New York with Watson on a steam ship. There's a murder and a bunch of eccentric characters including Lawrence of Arabia, Houdini and Arthur Conan-Doyle (oh come on!) all in equal amount of danger depend on Holmes to find the menace lurking on board.

The game is badly programmed, features poor graphics and text presentation and is just plain not interesting. I must admit that I did have fun typing in commands such as 'rape Watson' and getting humorous responses but that doesn't really make up for it, I'm afraid.

Best leave this one alone.