good fun, a bit short, but if you like blood guts and bad language, this is for you!

User Rating: 9.1 | ShellShock: Nam '67 PC
first impressions? just another third person military shooter, nothing special, but wait? whats this? its a bloomin good game actually. the missions are quite hard, never the less, they are fun and are full or action. with the blood and gore, it really captures the dark side to the vietnam war, although in my opinion they have gone over the top a bit. with graphic scenes of your men on crosses and being hung, it really puts you off your appetite, although there are good sides to this, it brings out the pure urge for revenge, to get back at those who destroyed your comrades, so, what are you waiting for! my favourite parts of this game are in four bits:

1. the final, final mission. i call it the final final mission as beciase when you do the "final" mission and kill the main general who has been ordering these catastrophic attacks you can't help thinking to yourself, well, that was that, now to abother game, but doesn'y stop there, i wont tell you too much about what happens next but i can assure you, its bloody good fun!

2. the fact that you can decapitate people with your guns!!! ofcouyrse, this is a high point, geting your sniper and literally blowing peoples heads off is great fun!

3. grenades, oh grenades! when you throw these at an enemy or better, more than one, they blow up and you witness an array of limbs fly around the screen, oooooh yes!

4. last but by no means least, the R and R compund, i wont give away the secets of this brilliant idea, but a clue is there is money to be earned and the sexy vietnamese women are more than happy to take it from let your imagination take over here.