Horribly Dissapointing.

User Rating: 3.1 | Shaman King: Power of Spirit PS2
Shaman King is a fantastic Manga. Shaman King is an awesome show. Shaman King is a terrible videogame. You start out watching cutscene after cutscene. Then mercifully, you actually get to a fight. Unfortunately, its a simple tutorial. At first, you think: "Hey, this battle system is kinda cool! It is similar to chess, but when you come in contact with the opponent's piece, you go into a Soulcaliber-type fighting match!" Theoretically, that would be cool, if the battle wasn't terrible. Control is laggy, so when your opponent attacks, you hit block or dodge. By the time it actually happens, you are flying through the air. Looking past the terrible battle system, there are the cutscenes. By themselves, they aren't too bad, but they just keep going, and going, and going.... All they are, are pictures of characters with text under them. For fans of the manga, the game is based off the Anime, so we are out of luck. If you have a choice between buying this game, and putting your legs in the air and scraping the back of your thighs with a cheese grater, I, personally, would take the latter.