The Ultimate Life Form Ultimatly Fails In His Latest Game.

User Rating: 5 | Shadow the Hedgehog PS2
Sega took a crack at turning this black hedgehog into an idol by giving him his own game, which they hoped would become very popular among fans worldwide. However, this game lacked the proper elements to make it at least a little fun. For starters, this game's story jumps left and right, making you look like a confused kindergardener learning his ABC's. One second, you decide you're going to help a poor soul in need, next thing you know, some crazy dude in a robe is going,"What did you do that for?!" Turns out, he is evil, but who cares. After that, the guy that showed up in the evil mission box shows up in the hero box. Did you just say SCREW THE SITH and decide that you wanted superman to be your pal. How can your attitude go from ticked off, to a member of society? I don't see how at the end of the game, you find out you're a android. I mean,SERIOUSLY!? Oh sure, NOW, you want to blow up the planet you're standing on. But Buddy, where are you going to go after that? Not only that, but it says at one point that I am a Dark hero, which basically means I kill of other heroes to be the only hero. Or i'm a Dark Neutral, which just prooves that I CAN NOT DECIDE. How pointless is that?

If you think that's bad, get a load of the gamepaly. You have two elements in this game. Speed, and really skinny platforms. One or the other you moron! One of the levels has you running across falling walkways while making light look turtle slow. You have got to be kidding me. The controls are already annoying enough, so do you think I need help dying. Half the time, i'm being shot at with huge guns, and don't even get me started at how annoying that is, especially when I can't figure out where i'm going. I mean come on, after a while, it get's pretty annoying to hear Shadow go D*mm*t every time he gets hit with a bullet.

But, now the camera gets in the way! If you constantly have to move around to try to dodge attacks, I don't need the camera to be doing free-style spins in every what direction. If you can't see what's going on, you know who to blame.


There are way better games out there, so don't bother playing this game.