While I enjoyed some of the evolution features, I can't think of a single person I would recommed this to.

User Rating: 4.5 | Seventh Cross Evolution DC
The idea of this game sounded really good to me. When I was popping in the disk for the first time my mind was spinning with thought of evolving from bacteria to a deadly predator over the course of a lengthy role playing evolution sim. To my surprise however this game pitted you off to lose from the very start. You start as a protozoa in a pond after a cryptic introduction movie that shows some planet being destroyed. There is no clue as to what you are supposed to do you just get lucky and start eating things trying to avoid these crabs that are trying to kill you. Once you start eating you mutate into different forms eventually leading up to the origin creature. Once you are at that point you can start fighting the local animals but a crab can still kill you with one hit. Luckily every time you die you end up back at some monolith thing with all your accumulated stats. So you go around killing sea slugs or whatever unidentifiable brown mass creatures they are to gain experience (or evolution points) and you return to your monolith to spend them to boost your various stats (defense, attack power etc.) and also to get new parts.

This is where the game starts to go downhill; sadly there is no way to determine what animal part you are going to get. That's right, it's completely random. So if you want a specific part, perhaps to complete a collection of a single creature: tough cookie! So you end up with a weirdo ugly looking creature with a worm head a couple of fish fin arms and crab legs that are all different colors. These parts add to your stats as well and you need set amounts of nutrients to wear them it is awesome though when you get a cool new part. You eventually get tough enough to kill the crabs and once you're at that point you can try to cross the deeper water (if you have the right legs that is) and fight the boss which is just a big worm. In addition to your single attack you also have magic powers. Yeah, fire, lightning etc. it makes no sense. Once you are through with the boss you start going to different locations in which there is a stage boss for each. These areas include ocean floors, jungles deserts and a couple others. The problem is that everything looks the same and the levels turn out to be mazes. Toward the end of the game you start to get a story and it's too little too late. I won't ruin it even though I may as well since I hope anyone reading this review will avoid this game.

The music is horrible! What little voice actin there is, is also horrible! The sound effects are crap. The fighting isn't fun because you have to wait after each attack for no reason. The magic makes no sense. Lightning 1st is just as powerful as lightning 3rd and it cost 10 times less mana. This game just purely reeks. I played it so many hours hopping to be rewarded with all the parts I wanted and to build the most powerful creature. I was disappointed. If you are a sucker for stat building rpgs in which you can max out your stats as I am you may have some fun with this game but not much.