"its cold out here, my nipples look like pencil erasers"

User Rating: 9.6 | Serious Sam XBOX
this game.. oh man so much fun. it took me a real long time to beat because i bought it used, and my copy would freeze alot so at times i just got really frustrated and didnt play it for months sometimes. story - you are serious sam and you go back into time and travel through what seems like ancient egypt, with all these pryimids and stuff like that. sometimes the levels really just are out of nowhere. one minute im in "winter wonderland" and the next im trying not to fall into lava. anyway your trying to find the holy grail or whatever and you travel through time. this is easily the longest game ive ever played. not because of how much my game would freeze, but because the story is actually real long. im not good with my roman numerals but it went up to episode V, whatever that may be im not sure. there is so many different kinds of enemys its not even funny. the skinny guys who just run and scream are the best, absolutly hilarious. i cant even count how many different kinds of ...creatures? there are. theres otopus looking things, fire demon things, flying angel type things, electric fish, anything you can think of just about is there. the bosses are insane too. ive never seen such creativity ever in a game and its just amazing. the ending there isnt really even any big boss fight really. your just fighting millions of different kinds of creatures, which goes on for about 30 minutes. every levels time span can range from about 10 - 30 minutes actually.

sound - sound is great, the millions of weapons you can choose from sound great, Sam's humor is EXCELLENT, and so are the screaming skinny guys who explode. gameplay is easy and shouldnt take more than 10 minutes to get used to, its the basic stuff really. i alsolove that you run about 45 mph. its hilarious.

multiplayer - so much fun, lots of levels to choose from, theres about 8 different characters to choose from too, and their all awsome. santa sam or stainless steve is my favorite.

the game is defiently a must buy, and i wouldnt see why anyone wouldnt like this game. ive heard people say Serious Sam is the duke nukem killer, whatever. Duke has been dead for a very long time. get over it. although i miss him myself, ive stoped waiting for dukenukem forever. anyway enough about that, if you dont have this game, go out and get it. you dont know what youre missin!