Serious sam next encounter isn't made by Croteam and just isn't a whole lot of fun because of this

User Rating: 5.8 | Serious Sam: Next Encounter PS2
Serious sam has been widely known for it's ridiculous amount of enemies on screen and the pointless action it's known for. Although not that great and not a whole lot of meat to it, Serious sam does have serious sam moments that can be remembered back when Croteam was making it.

Serious sam next encounter takes place in the same ancient cultures that previous entries have and you must fight your way through hordes of generic enemies with a cheezy storyline that is just a big excuse to run around and kill things. The game does get old fast and I can't remember to many fun moments I was having, but it does have some classic serious sam to it.

The game is pretty simple, all you do is shoot stuff and have the occasional boring boss fight. Honestly the game is just one repetitive fight after another and serious sam fans will be dissapointed quickly.

The main thing about this game that just doesn't work is the dated graphics and the groan when fight after fight brings more and more generic enemies. Sam still has all of his lines and the weaponry isn't to bad but overall the game just feels pretty basic and dated.

There isn't a whole lot to say to this game, it's not made by Croteam and it's a bit more difficult than previous entries and a whole lot less fun but thats about it. Toss up to check out this game, maybe as a rental but that's about it.