OK... what happened?

User Rating: 7.5 | Serious Sam: Next Encounter GC
The first two games were good. Unbeatable in fact. And then they create this game and it all goes downhill. The first game introduced us to "Serious" Sam Stone. It shed a bit of light (and blood) on us as to what he does. The second game is a continuation: Sam is still hunting Mental, who still appears bodiless and voiceless, leaving us to guess what he or it is. Then they create this game. It's similar to the first two but it lacks that certain polish that it needs for it to be called a good game. A lot of people say its the competition to Duke Nukem... Duke Nukem sucks. That said I suggest that people who are curious to learn what all the hype is: buy the first two, either on Xbox as one complete game, or the gold version for PC. I got the PC version but it freezes my computer (Windows XP for some reason).