All hail Serious Sam II, but where is the split screen?.

User Rating: 8.7 | Serious Sam II XBOX
Although my review is biased because I am such a huge Serious Sam fan, this game gives me what I wanted--better graphics than the first, with all the chaos, extreme action, and a variety of unlockables and secrets.

True, there are some slow-downs during extreme action, but overall, it's still fun to play. The graphics look OK in some repects and fantastic in others.

I have currently been playing the hard setting, and have been challenged in a few areas, but the funny thing is I don't mind playing them over and over until I finally make it.

I hope there are others out there that see what a great thing Croteam has done with the Serious Sam series--all the action and immersion without the story. Also, you've got to love the corny humor.

But where's the split screen!?!?!?